Mangrove Jack`s Belgian Tripel M31

Mangrove Jack`s Belgian Tripel M31

PrisNOK59,00 inkl. mva.
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Denne gjærstammen gir en fantastisk kompleks blanding av krydder, fruktige estere, fenoler og alkoholer. Med sin høye attenueringsevne og alkoholtoleranse er denne stammen perfekt til et stort spenn av Belgiske øltyper. Vil komme godt til rette i øltyper med høy alkoholstyrke. Anbefales brukt i trippel og klosterøl

Provides a fantastic complex marriage of spice, fruity esters, phenolics and alcohol. It is also very attenuative with a high alcohol tolerance making it perfect for a range of Belgian styles.

Suitable for Belgian Tripel Style and Trappist style beers.

Aroma Characteristics:
Belgian Tripel has a fantastic heavily fruity aroma, married perfectly with light spice and esters it is massively complex, spicy, estery and phenolic.

Flavor/Mouthfeel Characteristics:
Belgian beers fermented with this strain will finish phenolic and dry, they will also exhibit fruity and very complex ester characters. These characters exhibit a beautiful marriage of spice and fruit estery alcohol goodness.

Higher Alcohol Beers:
High alcohol beers are this strain’s bread and butter, with a high alcohol tolerance, strong beers just create excellent flavor and aroma characteristics.

förjäsbarhet: 82 - 88 %
alkoholtolerans: 10 %
flockning: 3/5
jästemperatur: 18 - 28 °C (64 - 82 °F)

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