Mangrove Jack`s French Saison M29

Mangrove Jack`s French Saison M29

PrisNOK59,00 inkl. mva.
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Utmerket gjærstamme til bruk i saison type øl. Denne gjærstammen har ekstremt høy attenueringsevne, noe som vil resultere i knusktørre øl med mye krydderpreg. Smaksprofilen er krydret med noe frukt og pepper. Denne gjærstammen har svært dominerende smaksprofil som vil overdøve de andre ingrediensene i ølet. Ønskes det at ølet er humledominert og denne gjærstammen benyttes må man beregne å bruke svært mye humle.

French Saison yeast is an exceptional, highly attenuative top-fermenting ale
yeast, creating distinctive beers with spicy, fruity and peppery notes. Ideal for
fermentation of farmhouse style beer.

Suitable for producing Saisons and
farmhouse style beers up to 14% ABV.

Aroma Characteristics:
This French Saison ale yeast strain brings all the sophistication and complexity of classic Saison ale production to the home brew and small brewery setting. Spicy and peppery characteristics are prominent with an undertone of the ubiquitous fruity character.

Flavor/Mouthfeel Characteristics:
This is a highly characterful yeast strain that will dominate all but the highest hopping rates and complex malt bills. Beers fermented with this yeast will tend to be dry in the finish often with a slight drying acidity and peppery notes, aiding drinkability at higher alcohol levels. Higher alcohol beers may have an increased ester production and warming alcohol notes.

Higher Alcohol Beers:
This yeast strain will perform exceptionally well up to 14% ABV making it suitable for a large range of Saisons.

förjäsbarhet: 85 - 90 %
alkoholtolerans: 14 %
flockning: 3/5
jästemperatur: 26 - 32 °C (79 - 90 °F)

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